Oom - How to know speed form access (VB6)

You can look your speed form access With simulation. This is very useful If you want To know access "speed" you form . Very Simple and easy.
' Name: How to knowspeed form access
' Description:This code just to know "speed" form access.
' By: oom
' Paste This code in the module don't in form_Load
' Change Start object as sub main
' For check speed form :
' run the form for the first time and look how many
' you get access on speed form.
' Step two load picture or large picture in form and
' then check again how many form speed is u get.
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Sub main()
Dim lSpeedTime As Long
Dim SInfoSpeed As String
lSpeedTime = GetTickCount
Load Form1
lSpeedTime = GetTickCount - lSpeedTime
' this is only simulation
    If lSpeedTime <= 50 Then
        SInfoSpeed = "[Very Fast]"
    ElseIf lSpeedTime >= 50 And lSpeedTime <= 100 Then
        SInfoSpeed = "[Normal]"
    ElseIf lSpeedTime >= 100 And lSpeedTime <= 200 Then
        SInfoSpeed = "[Slow]"
    ElseIf lSpeedTime >= 200 Then
        SInfoSpeed = "[Very Slow]"
End If
Form1.Caption = "Time Speed Form: " & lSpeedTime & " Milliseconds - " & SInfoSpeed
End Sub

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