for those of you who are interested in this tip, please follow the way of making the code below
Step 1
Step 1
- create a new standard exe project
- add module
Step 2
Place the following code in the module project
Step 3
Please call InitialiseXPControls in sub main or startup form your project
Now your application will follow the theme of your windows that apply, good luck. If you have any problems please contact me or can you confirm by email, may be useful for you.
Place the following code in the module project
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib "Comctl32.dll" () As Long
Sub InitialiseXPControls()
Dim intFreeFile As Integer
Dim lngReturn As Long
Dim strEXEFile As String
Dim strManifestFile As String
strEXEFile = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
strManifestFile = strEXEFile & ".manifest"
If Dir(strEXEFile) <> "" And Dir(strManifestFile) = "" Then
intFreeFile = FreeFile()
Open strManifestFile For Output As #intFreeFile
Print #intFreeFile, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assembly xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"" manifestVersion=""1.0"">"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Winweb.VB_Application"""
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, "/>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<description>GSoftware</description>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"""
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " publicKeyToken = ""6595b64144ccf1df"""
Print #intFreeFile, " language = ""*"""
Print #intFreeFile, " />"
Print #intFreeFile, " </dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</assembly>"
Close #intFreeFile
Shell strEXEFile, vbNormalFocus
End If
lngReturn = InitCommonControls()
End Sub
Private Declare Function InitCommonControls Lib "Comctl32.dll" () As Long
Sub InitialiseXPControls()
Dim intFreeFile As Integer
Dim lngReturn As Long
Dim strEXEFile As String
Dim strManifestFile As String
strEXEFile = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
strManifestFile = strEXEFile & ".manifest"
If Dir(strEXEFile) <> "" And Dir(strManifestFile) = "" Then
intFreeFile = FreeFile()
Open strManifestFile For Output As #intFreeFile
Print #intFreeFile, "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assembly xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"" manifestVersion=""1.0"">"
Print #intFreeFile, "<assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Winweb.VB_Application"""
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, "/>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<description>GSoftware</description>"
Print #intFreeFile, "<dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, " <assemblyIdentity"
Print #intFreeFile, " type=""win32"""
Print #intFreeFile, " name = ""Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"""
Print #intFreeFile, " version = """""
Print #intFreeFile, " processorArchitecture = ""X86"""
Print #intFreeFile, " publicKeyToken = ""6595b64144ccf1df"""
Print #intFreeFile, " language = ""*"""
Print #intFreeFile, " />"
Print #intFreeFile, " </dependentAssembly>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</dependency>"
Print #intFreeFile, "</assembly>"
Close #intFreeFile
Shell strEXEFile, vbNormalFocus
End If
lngReturn = InitCommonControls()
End Sub
Step 3
Please call InitialiseXPControls in sub main or startup form your project
Now your application will follow the theme of your windows that apply, good luck. If you have any problems please contact me or can you confirm by email, may be useful for you.
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